Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in the Benjamin H. Josephson, M.D. Fund.
Dr. Josephson, a founding physician of the Overlook Family Practice Residency Program in Summit, New Jersey, was a dedicated pediatrician and medical educator, who spent many years providing free medical services to patients in need throughout the world.
His travels took him to the former Soviet Union, Macedonia, northern Iraq, Bosnia, Tanzania, Zaire and China.
This fund was established in 1998 to enable medical professionals to continue Dr. Josephson's humanitarian works.
The fund's mission statement is as follows:
The BHJ Fund was established to honor Benjamin H. Josephson, M.D. - pediatrician, family practitioner, teacher, mentor and friend. In combining the highest professional standards of health care with his advocacy for the poor, the young and the disenfranchised, Dr. Josephson stood as an example and inspiration to others. As an ongoing commitment to the contribution of his humanitarian work, this fund will provide health care professionals with the financial resources necessary to deliver medical services to those in need throughout the world.If you believe your proposed medical service work meets the mission of this fund, we highly encourage you to apply for financial support. Once you have submitted the online application an electronic copy of your CV should be emailed to If you are a resident in training, we also require a letter from your program director supporting your elective. This letter of support must indicate that you will be receiving educational credit for the trip, that you will be supervised at all times, and that the experience is part of your curriculum. Reimbursement is contingent upon submission of original receipts and a 250-word synopsis of your experience along with 3 to 4 photographs of you delivering direct medical care. Your application, CV and letter of support MUST be received 90 days before your planned departure date. If you are traveling with a group (3 or more individuals traveling at the same time to the same destination) then all completed applications must be received at the same time for consideration.